Monday, January 8, 2007



Alex said...

Ugh, I hate the dogmas involved in being a "good Christian." I don't mind the basic beliefs, and even agree with a lot of their morality, but when someone else is wrong just because they don't believe what you do that's just stupid. I guess I hate the church more than Christianity.

Eddie Gilley said...


Do you hate the concept of church, a particular denomination, or the Catholic church? Is the church wrong because they disagree with you or because by stating what they believe is the truth forces other beliefs to be viewed as false?

Dream said...

I agree with Alex. It may be hard to compromise the truth, but we should at least try to work through our differences lovingly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Alex too, I hate it when one Religion, in particular christianity, thinks that all others are wrong. I hate it that some extremists think that anyone who is not a "christian" is going to "hell." However, I love listening to them rant.

Anonymous said...

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."--Ghandi

Stauros486 said...

The Turlington preachers are not what Christianity is about. They are always preaching about what not to do. I think it would be amazing if people knew what Christians stood for rather than what the speaker stands against. Christianity is about the love of Christ and how he is willing to forgive us when we mess up if we only ask him.

Anonymous said...

How come "Christianity" is up as a topic, but not other world religions?

I suppose if we put a love/hate comment on Judaism we'd be antisemetic.

Or if we put something up on Islam we'd be ignorant Americans who are profiling.

Or if we put something up on anything else we'd be trying to change someone's culture.

But it's ok to HATE Christianity?

Anuradha said...

First of all, every major world religion should be up as a topic in order to educate the rest of us.

I hate it when Christians dump on Hinduism because we supposedly engage in 'idol-worship' because we don't and then call us polytheists, which we're not. They ought to learn about the religions they're insulting before insulting them.

Eddie Gilley said...

In response to the previous two comments, I wish I had been smart enough to figure those reasons as anonymous said for not putting up all other religions. However, the real truth is that was what the topic "religion" was supposed to cover without having to make a dozen or more sections. I invite anyone who has an idea about another particular religion to include those comments in that section.

Anonymous said...

Christians are human and are sinful in nature just like everyone else. Before we came to Christ, we lived in the darkness and sin of the world. I have accepted Christ into my heart and life and I strive everyday to become more like Christ. I promise you, I will do my best to live my life as a pleasing offering to God. But I also know that I will slip up and do things that God won't be proud of, that's part of my humanity. What makes me different is that I know that if I ask for God's forgiveness and turn away from what evil I did, I will be forgiven and my slate wiped clean. Anyone can come to Christ by just believing on Jesus's name and accepting him as their personal Lord adn Savior. I am not perfect, but my faith is in the one who is: my God, the I AM, Jesus Christ, my HEavenly Father, adn best friend.