Wednesday, January 31, 2007



Dream said...


gatorgirl85 said...

i love being a gator!

Anonymous said...

I hate the fact that my life as an undergraduate here at UF is almost over. But I love that I can stay a few more years for law school

Anonymous said...

i love listening to the bells ringing between classes!

Dream said...

Indeed. I'm listening to them right now.

Anonymous said...

i hate being in a town where life revolves around drinking, partying, and belonging to social organizations. i hate how people dress up as if they're going to find their future husband or employer when they go to class. i hate people who go to class and sleep, or talk, or read the alligator-----just stay home. i hate those ugly diaper-looking bags that the sorority girls carry. i hate how all of the guys dress the same: khaki's, boat shoes, polo shirt (preferrably abercrombie & fitch) and sunglasses held on to their heads by a string.

but most of all i hate the superficial little world called "UF" and i wish people would realize that there is more to life beyond these brick walls.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this school. I love walking to class under the spanish moss draped trees. I love having picnics in the North Lawn. I love studying by the pond in front of my dorm. I love it when it rains on campus, I love it when its cold.

Anonymous said...

I hate when RTS is full and I have to stand, or worse, passes me by when I have class.

Anonymous said...

I love the diversity!!

Anonymous said...

i love this school. i carry one of those "diaper looking bags that all sorority girls wear" yet i realize that there is infact life behind the so called "brick walls" around UF. maybe YOU need to get out because i dont see just people going to class dressed up to meet their future spouse, but i see people dressing however they please, expressing their personlities which we were restricted from for the most part in high school. all guys dont wear the same clothes, open your eyes! broaden your horizons some and youll see that UF and this town in particular is not all about materialistic things. not everyone is concerned about drinking. try volunteering or getting a job, youll meet so many people who would break this mold you have of UF.

i do agree though, i hate when people go to class to sleep or read the alligator, why even get up! or read the alligator in your room!

Anonymous said...

"I LOVE this school. I love walking to class under the spanish moss draped trees. I love having picnics in the North Lawn. I love studying by the pond in front of my dorm. I love it when it rains on campus, I love it when its cold."

See, this is a person who is getting laid. That is the good thing about sex - it makes even a horrible place look enchanting.

Anonymous said...

I love this school and everything it has to offer. I love walking around campus inbetween classes and taking taking naps on the hills. I love watching the clouds from yulee pit with my mp3 player on with my favorite music on. I love that I can finally go to classes that I am interested in and I love that the other people in them are interested as well. I love the moss too, and don't agree that because the other anonymous and myself think we have a beautiful campus that it automatically means that we are getting laid all the time. I am happy with who i am, who i am becoming and love my life here at UF. I love that UF is in Gainesville, a certified Tree City. I love that we are politically aware and environmentaly active (yes, some more than thers - but they are catching on!)

And most of all, I love the bells, the spirit, the FOOTBALL and the orange and blue. I've been a gator all my life and to finally go here is a dream come true. I only wish the few who dont like it felt the same way.

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that we UF is one of the top universities in the nation, the best sports programmes in the nation, it has the greatest spirit out of any university around.
However, there are those on this campus that can ruin the experience for a lot of people. Things like black listing people due to their affiliations and the attitude of "I'm better than you because I know someone" I drives me insane. They are the ones that put forth little effort and receive massive amounts in return, while those who actually do work and try to help this University are pushed into the background and receive a pat on the back, if they get anything at all.
It's great to be Gator, just maybe not a UF student...

Anonymous said...

I love that we have Crew and Rugby here.

Anonymous said...

im from the north and florida kids are just really theres obviously cool people here but the majority of the people extremely smart and do not have crazy personalities like northern schools. not saying cool people cant be smart and that florida kids arent crazy but i go out all the time and meet new people every week and its like everyone is the same. not a big fan of the greek life dominating everything either or the fact that the majority of good looking girls are in sororities. other than that i love the school and the campus is really nice i just have to keep getting used to it or go back to the northeast where its at