Wednesday, January 31, 2007



al said...

I hate how the preachers in Turlington convey Christianity as a tyrannical, kill-joy religion based on judgement and agressiveness, when in truth, Christianity is (or is intended to be) a lifestyle of love and grace.

cdiddy said...

I hate it when people do horrible things in the name of religion, whether it's a Muslim suicide bomber or a Christian bombing an abortion clinic.

Unknown said...

I HATE all religions. The only thing they do is divide humanity and encourage war and hatred.

Dream said...

I'm not too sure -- religion is good as a medium for ethics and morality. Bad for most other things.

Anonymous said...

I hate how the stupidity of humans is often conveyed as a result of religion. It is more that the result of the stupidity of humans, is Religion. I hate how weak minded fools "do something in the name of religion" only because they are too shallow and too cowardly to say they want to do it because it is what they believe is right. They are so unsure of themselves, they need to cower behind their religion to justify their actions to themselves. Thus instead of giving only themselves a bad name, they give religion a bad name as well.

Dream said...

Your reasoning seems perfectly plausible at first, but so is the following reverse assertion: the result of the stupidity of humans, is atheism. Just as the atheist argues that religion is invented by man as a means to justify the mind's weakness, so the theist can argue that religion is destroyed by man out of a necessity to justify the mind's weakness.

How can you reach two different conclusions from the same assumption? Neither argument is more valid than the other, and such a logically insecure argument gives atheism a bad name as well.

Anonymous said...

For one it is very easy to reach two different conclusions from the same assertion. ESPECIALLY, on things such as religion which cannot be proven either way. It is called different point of views. This is why there are different political parties and different ways of doing things. Hell, this is why there is no real "right" or "wrong", and to take it further, this is the reason for this blog! It is all in the way that you percieve the given action. I may have made too much emphasis on the stupidity and religion part, i do not disfavor religion at all. Infact my whole point in saying that is that humans are stupid altogether, religion did not make them that way. Whether you believe or don't believe has no affect on my person. I'll go beyond that and say that i just don't care what you believe or why for that matter. I was mainly trying to make the point that, I HATE when people turn against a religion because a bunch of retards did "something in the name of ________".

Dream said...

I see what you mean. Right; I don't think either of those arguments is valid -- that's why I pointed it back to you.

Although I think there is right/wrong, I agree with your point on the humanity's weakness/stupidity. And it is indeed bizarre to justify one's certain actions with religion as their reason (ie politics).

Live Freely. said...

I dislike how this whole blog is like a cover for some well meaning group and how it's hypocritical in trying to get you to see the "light" all while attempting to conceal it's true purpose. Still, what's the harm in some good ole debate?

I wonder why people believe that you must be "good" and why they presume their own "goodness" and label the other side as "evil".

Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.
For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst?
Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves, and
when it thirsts, it drinks even of dead waters.-Khalil Gibran

It's ironic how religion divides us, and how it consumes our reasoning, and how people allow themselves to become sheeps of a faith. Faith is not a vast blanket for all things scary and unknown (death and creation of the world, mainly) nor is it an excuse or reason to do anything and everything your id desires.

I find it funny that LOVE.HATE was chosen as the theme. Truth is relative, love and hate are both vehement and vehemently misused words. All the words love and hate show are your own biases. You love something because you want to. You love your child, because it's innate. It is irrational. It is human. You hate what you do not understand. You hate what you cannot touch. You hate what does not seem fair. How can you hate someone you do not know? How can you hate someone for preaching their religion? How can you hate someone for an act of violence in the name of a religion? Do you know their political situations? Have you been brainwashed as they were? How can you not hate them? It only shows you that society preprograms you to love/hate.

A boy loves trucks. A girl hates them. A girl loves barbies. Boys hate them.

I would respect indifference, or better yet, curiosity, over love, or hate...

If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties. - Francis Bacon

Love and hate are blind emotions that only show your closed mindedness. Live and let live.

Anonymous said...

Will you people just chill out?

Why do you have to have a reason for doing things?
Why does there have to be a right way?
What if we're just supposed to not know?
What if things aren't supposed to make sense?

Anonymous said...

I love thinking for myself and not being apart of a "Religion." I hate being preached to and I love going against the grain.

Eddie Gilley said...


this is my blog and the only purpose of it is to see what people are thinking about the various topics. If you have another one that you would like to discuss, let me know and I'll create a post for it that will allow others to comment on it. I'm the only admin here, so all the other comments are the views of the people at UF or those who find this blog through other means.

Live Freely. said...

lol. I'm sorry if I came off as hostile, big gator, but my opinions are strong. I thought that was the point. My post was on topic.

While I'm sure this is your personal blog, I did find love hate posters all over the UF campus. I can only assume you had people help you put those up, not to mention the facebook ads someone is paying for. Seeing as how your topics are focused on christianity and faith and such, I can only assume you are part of some christian organization.

While again, it is your personal blog, it is an act of religion/faith/etc. Live and let live is my personal mantra (religion?). I thought I was conveying that throughout my post. And I do apologize in advance for going off topic this time :) Just wanted to clarify that.

Eddie Gilley said...

No problem. I was actually responding to your statement "I dislike how this whole blog is like a cover for some well meaning group and how it's hypocritical in trying to get you to see the "light" all while attempting to conceal it's true purpose. Still, what's the harm in some good ole debate?"

The point of this blog is to get to hear or really read what the students on campus are feeling about these topics. The words love and hate are deliberate to try to evoke strong feelings on either side. So you are fine in stating your strong opinions. Just don't call the blog hypocritical when you don't know the real purpose behind it.

I did have help with the flyers and I will have help with tables at Turlington and Reitz this week with signs where people can write their ideas, but they are only acting as my student helpers. I think you will be surprised when you see what happens with the info gathered.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when people say that truth is fluid and should be based on whatever you feel is best for you. It just goes to show how some people need to be beaten with a stick of reality.

Anonymous said...

I hate atheism. It is the most ignorant religion out there because it puts its faith in an unprovable universal statement: That God does not exist.

Anonymous said...

I hate people who claim to be religious, read the bible daily, join religious groups YET they turn out to be the most rude people you've ever come across, and they still believe they are the nicest people out there. Open your eyes! Don't you realize you should be nice to everyone? Stop portraying yourself with this false image. Atleast I can admit when I'm rude and know I can have my moments...

David Lindy said...

"I'd rather live my life as if there was God and die to find out there isn't than live my life as if there wasn't a god and die to find out that there is." -my mum

I do appreciate this blog and the massive painting in Norman tunnel was a good idea. I'm not gonna lie, Christianity is screwed up sometimes. Americans have tended to embrace this white Jesus, somehow deciding that He wants to make everyone rich, wise and handsome.

Republican too.

We've contorted Him to our agenda. The American church is filled with false converts, preaching that exact same message, who are being led by men, and sometimes women, of weak character. It's a tragedy and something needs to change.

A shift needs to occur.


I hate judgments that generalize that ALL religions are awful and divisive, because it's just not true. I'm seeing a change in the Church from our generation, and it's exciting to see walls of judgment and stereotyping come crumbling down.

Anonymous said...

"I hate atheism. It is the most ignorant religion out there because it puts its faith in an unprovable universal statement: That God does not exist."

You have a bit of a misconception about atheism.

It is about as much a religion as bald is a hair color. It is the absence of religion.

The absolutely only "statement" it makes is that the person who is an atheist does not hold a belief in a God or Gods. Anything else and you are just hearing from a person, atheist or not, and it is just their opinion.

Consider: I'm assuming you are Christian, if not, I apologize and simply insert whatever religion you are into that. What is the difference between how an atheist views your God and how you view the God(s?) of Hinduism? Presumably, you do not believe in them. Would it be fair to say that you are also "ignorant" since you make the claim that the Hindu God "does not exist?" Or does that only apply to your God? Or is it because we lack faith in all Gods, but if we picked one, that'd be okay? If so, what's the difference between not believing in your God and not believing in any Gods?

Anyways, I suppose I "hate" the way most of the Abrahamic religions have vilified atheists. Admittedly, it is the followers(not all of them, of course) of the religions that do this, but the backing for the behavior comes from the canon of their holy texts, so it is a large influence on their behavior.

I singled out Abrahamic religions because I have no idea how the other religions go about it and I don't want to generalize too much.

Anonymous said...

Purest purity of the pure
Expressed love into everything
As the one source of all
The universal self
Holy spirit - God

We are all the same, in the purest essence, stemming from our origin, as the projection of God’s reflection. Spirit is the realness of reality, a vehicle of love, radiating the light of life.

Love is God and God is love.

God is everything, love is everything.

Everything that exists is created out of Gods love. All struggling situations serve to a greater positive end. In fact, without the negative, the positive would not exist. Contrast distinguishes reality. If for eternity we lived in Paradise and never experienced anything other then "perfection", we would not have experienced Paradise as a "Paradise". It was necessary for us to live on Earth, as a contrast fueled by experiential distinction. What is would not be unless compared with something that isn’t.

God does not hate. Pure hate is pure not-love, and that's impossible if everything originates from God. Hate is a false belief, and those who accept it struggle in finding peace and happiness in their lives. We forget that the essence of the spirit is love, peace, and goodness.

Hate is the greatest lie ever told. It created deep racism in the south, wars across the globe, suicide bombers, 9/11, and the current genocide in Africa. Evil became evil once we believed evil to be evil.

Accepting hate is accepting that you have absolutely zero love for something created by God. If you have zero love for something God created, you are not alive, because that is your job as a spirit, and it is all you do, whether you are aware of it or not. Your purpose and function is to love God. Loving love makes more love...infinitely.

Heaven is home. We are all saved.

- Henri T. Borno

Eddie Gilley said...


I deleted your last comment because I didn't see the relevance of the link to the area of discussion. I hope you will re-post your comments without the link or help me understand the connection of the link to "religion". I admit, that I didn't watch the entire 1 hour plus video.

Anonymous said...

I hate that in movies portraying the life of Jesus, he's usually portrayed as white. Jesus was Jewish and he lived in the Middle East. I'm sure he had black curly hair and brown eyes, folks.

Anonymous said...

I hate the prior response really.

I do hate some of the portrayals of Jesus in film, but not for the reasons 'anonymous' listed.

The lineage of Jesus descends from David. 1 Samuel 17:42 describes this descendant in this way:

And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.

Fair means bright/light and ruddy is a feature ONLY white folks have - reddish rosy face. So despite being 'Jewish' as if you see many jews even today with the description you gave he definitely was not as you think of him.

Solomon prophecies of him in similar description (remember Solomon is David's son) in Song of Songs 5:10

Furthermore the only reason people living there NOW look like this is because in the 7th Century AD Arabs invaded and took over.